Geograph Images v3.0

Version 3.0 released on 28th March 2015


Geograph Images is a browser script that adds nearby Geograph images to cache pages. It works with Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera.

Geograph is a project that aims to collect geographically representative photographs and information for every square kilometre of the country. There are currently three Geograph websites covering Britain and Ireland, the Channel Islands and Germany.


If nearby Geograph images are available a new Geograph Images section is added to the cache page. By default a single row of the nearest two images is shown. More images can be shown by clicking on the (more) link. Each click will add another row until all the available images are shown or a maximum of 30 is reached.

Clicking an image will pop-up the full size image in the existing 'lightbox' feature. Clicking the sides of this full size image will allow you to move between all the Geograph images currently shown. Additionally if you also have the Geothumbs script installed you will be able to seamlessly move between all the Geograph images, cache owner images and log images on the cache page.

Clicking the text description next to the image thumbnail will bypass the 'lightbox' and open the Geograph page for this image.

The Geograph website home page can be accessed by either clicking the Geograph Images header or the graphical icon at the top right of the image table.

Geograph Images can be configured to your preferred operation by selecting 'Geograph Images Options' in the drop-down menu box shown to the right of your user name at the top of each cache page.

You will be automatically notified whenever an update to the script becomes available.

Geograph Images Section Geograph Images Options Menu Geograph Images Options


Many thanks to Barry Hunter at Geograph Britain and Ireland for his help and permission to access the Geograph data.

Firefox Firefox installation: Install script

To install click on the icon above and select the "Install" button. Please ensure that you've installed the Firefox Tampermonkey add-on before attempting to install this script.

Google Chrome Google Chrome installation: Install script

To install click on the icon above and select the "Install", "Reinstall" or "Update" button. Please ensure that you've installed the Chrome Tampermonkey add-on before attempting to install this script.

Opera Opera installation: Install script

To install click on the icon above and select the "Install", "Reinstall" or "Update" button. Please ensure that you've installed the Opera Tampermonkey add-on before attempting to install this script.

This script has been tested to work with:

It should also work with:

Version History:

Updated to work with site changes made in March 2015.

Fix problem where Geographimages is non operational after reinstallation under Greasemonkey versions 2.0 onwards.

Updated to work with site changes made on 21 August 2013
Added work around for bug in Google Chrome. Google Chrome now supported again!

Updated to work with site changes made on 2 August 2013
Google Chrome not supported due to bug in Chrome 28.0 and 29.0.

Add compatibility with GC Little Helper script

Updated to work with site changes made in December 2011
Options are now accessed via a new 'Options' menu at the top of each cache page

Updated to add full compatibility with Opera, Google Chrome and Safari
Options now accessed via cache page Resources menu

For support please contact us via our geocaching profile - Gary & Jane